Leica relaunch classic M6 film camera

Following the renaissance of analogue photography, Leica have relaunched an updated version of their most popular film camera, the M6.

From 1984 to 2002, Leica handmade almost 175,000 units which served the best photographers as an instrument to capture their view of the world. This resulted in numerous captured moments which today represent a piece of contemporary history, cementing the M6’s special place in the world of analogue photography. Executive Vice President of Technology and Operation Stefan Daniels explains, “The Leica M6 is a milestone in the corporate history of Leica Camera AG…Conscious analogue photography as an antithesis to the flood of digital images is enjoying great popularity. Therefore, it was only logical for us to produce the Leica M6 again as one of the most popular representatives of this camera type.”

The Leica M6 is available globally at Leica Stores, the Leica Online Store and authorized dealers starting from November 3rd 2022.


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